Petition to Challenge by Exam
A matriculated part-time or full-time student with a B average may take by examination, courses listed in the current catalog in which he/she feels adequately prepared on account of private study, personal experience, on-the-job training, or work at a non-accredited college. This petition is to be filed at least one week prior to the challenge and at least 2 weeks before the last day of classes. Credit for the challenge (if earned) and grade will be posted at the end of the term.
If you have any questions regarding billing, please contact the Business Office at 925.631.4209 or email them at
Once this form is submitted, The Office of the Registrar will send your form to the appropriate department for consideration and will advise you via email on the decision.
Note: This form is for non-KSOE students. If you are in the KSOE program, please fill out the separate form here.