Application for Readmission

Thank you for your interest in returning and completing your degree at Saint Mary's College of California! The Application for Readmission form is for students who have withdrawn from the college. (Students who have filed a Leave of Absence form do not need to fill out this form in order to return to the College.)

The Readmission Application for Spring Term is accepted from August through the end of the first week of January. The Readmission Application for Summer Term is accepted from January through the end of the first week in May. The Readmission Application for Fall Term is accepted from February through the end of the first week of June.

If your readmission application is approved, your catalog will be updated to the current catalog year, and may update your requirements for completion.
Additionally, all readmissions are approved for active programs only. For current, active traditional undergraduate listings, please click here. For current, active graduate & professional studies listings, please click here.

Saint Mary’s College transition to Carnegie Units:
Beginning with Fall 2023 you will see significant changes to traditional undergraduate Academic Evaluation. Saint Mary’s College will be transitioning to Carnegie Units (valued from 1-5 units per course) and will introduce some new or revised major and minor programs. This transition will in no way delay your path to degree completion.

Personal Data
Current Address
Permanent Address
Withdrawal Information
(e.g., Fall 2022)
Academic Pursuits

Please list institution(s) you have attended since departing SMC. Have an official transcript from each institution sent directly to the Office of the Registrar electronically, or to the following address:

Office of the Registrar
1928 Saint Mary's Road, PMB 4748
Moraga, CA 94575

Readmission Information